Can you think of a better source of medical school admissions advice than the admissions committee directors and deans themselves?
Well, neither could we. And that’s why Linda Abraham, founder of Accepted and admissions guru in her own right, has been inviting med school deans, admissions directors, and other admissions insiders as guests on the Admissions Straight Talk podcast.
Get an insider’s perspective on the admissions process, how to get in, and…how to get rejected when you listen to our exclusive adcom interviews.
Listen, enjoy, and apply successfully!
Want a personal guide to help you implement this advice and get accepted to medical school? One of our experienced admissions pros would be glad to support you in your journey to med school. Click here to check out our services.
For a varied menu of thought-provoking and informative conversations with admissions leaders, medical school students, and more, check out the Admissions Straight Talk Podcast: