The Financial Times has released its global rankings of the best MBA programs and has considerably shuffled the deck. Several top-ranked programs fell several notches, while others rose considerably. For the first time since 2011, Wharton has returned to its status as #1 in FT’s list. Other programs that made giant strides in the rankings…
Michigan Ross
Scroll down for Michigan Ross admissions tips, info, and news.
From the Mouths of MBA Adcom Members: How to Get Accepted
Looking for the best possible admissions advice? How about admissions advice from the admission committee members themselves? Linda Abraham, founder of Accepted and host of the Admissions Straight Talk Podcast has a collection of highly enlightening interviews with directors of admissions and adcom members of top business schools! Listen in as Linda asks her adcom…
The MBA Common Letter of Recommendation (LOR): An Overview
One of the key pieces of an MBA application is the letter of recommendation. This letter, usually written by managers, gives the admissions committee an insightful perspective on the MBA candidate. However, since each program has their own unique form, and candidates are often hesitant to ask managers to fill out multiple recommendations, applicants often limit the number…
Seven Tips for MBA Interview Prep
An invitation to an MBA interview is an achievement and cause for celebration, but the interview itself can be a daunting prospect – if you are not properly prepared. Make the most of this opportunity by following our tips for a successful interview. 1. Preparation is everything While you may not have control over the…
What Prospective MBAs Should Know About Applying to Michigan Ross [Episode 365]
Applying to business school during a pandemic [Show summary] Soojin Kwon (Managing Director, Full-Time MBA Admissions and Program at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business) and Diana Economy, Director of Full-Time MBA Admissions at Ross, answers pressing applicant questions about applying to Ross. They address how the application process has shifted in light…
MBA Deadline Updates: How Will COVID-19 Affect the MBA Application Process?
With the unprecedented reality of a worldwide pandemic, it is reasonable to be concerned about the MBA admissions process. Universities have emptied out their campuses, and both students and teachers are rapidly trying to adjust to remote learning and a host of other modifications in traditional education. Additionally, job prospects are dwindling as the economy…
U.S. News Announces 2021 Ranking of Best MBA Programs
The U.S. News 2023 ranking is now live! Click here to check it out >> U.S. News just released its 2021 ranking of full-time and part-time MBA programs. The rankings are based on expert opinions about the quality of each program and statistical indicators that calculate the quality of a program’s faculty, research, and students….
What Do You Learn in Business School? 6 Unexpected Lessons
Each year, thousands of MBA students graduate from business school and embark on the next chapter in their careers. This often means moving up to a higher role in a current field, taking on a new role, or jumping head-first into a new industry. The impact of these changes is often looked at in terms…
Michigan Ross Announces Its New STEM MBA Track
When The Wall Street Journal reported the fifth straight year of declining MBA applications from international applicants in October 2019, many wondered (once again!) whether this was the end of the line for the U.S. MBA programs. Well, the phoenix has risen from the ashes as the top American MBA programs have found a way…
Poets & Quants Announces 2019-2020 MBA Rankings
Poets & Quants just released its 2019-2020 rankings of the top 100 U.S. MBA programs. There were some minor changes in the top 10 – most prominently is Stanford GSB climbing two spots, passing Harvard Business School and UPenn Wharton, to claim the #1 position. It’s the second time in 10 years that Stanford has claimed the…
Top MBA Programs for Entrepreneurs
Poets & Quants has just released their inaugural rankings for the top MBA programs for entrepreneurs, and Washington University’s Olin Business School tops the list. 20.7% of its graduates from 2016-2018 launched companies within three months of graduation, and has a whopping $1 million in annual funding available for student entrepreneurs. By comparison, the second…
Big Changes in Economist 2019 MBA Rankings
Chicago’s Booth School of Business remaining at the top of The Economist’s ranking of the world’s top MBA programs for the second year in a row is only one of a few stable things in this year’s ranking, according to the Poets & Quants website. This is the seventh time Booth has taken the…