Your LSAT score is in, and if you did not do as well as you had anticipated, you might be reevaluating your law school choices or plans. Let’s talk through a few considerations that might help you decide how to approach your law school applications now. An applicant’s LSAT score and GPA are tools –…
It’s November. Have You Submitted Your Law School Application?
Did you create a law school application schedule for yourself over the summer? If so, maybe that timeline had you submitting your application by Thanksgiving. Are you on target to do so? With Thanksgiving and the subsequent holidays approaching, now is a good time to evaluate where you are with your law school application and…
Why Is Writing Your Law School Personal Statement So Difficult?
How do you put your heart and soul – and 20-plus years of your life – into a two-page, double-spaced document? The personal statement is often a source of many starts and stops for law school applicants. It’s also a powerful tool through which you can share more about who you are with the admissions…
So You Didn’t Get into Law School…
If you didn’t get into law school this year, it’s not too early to start planning a strategy for the next application cycle. First, take some time to lick your wounds, and then use the following tips to prepare yourself to achieve better results next time. 1. Evaluate your application. Take a hard look at…
How to Answer Character and Fitness Questions on Law School Applications
Anyone who enters a legal career is required to possess strength of character and to be fit to practice the law. We’re not talking physical fitness or endurance – though that might help you survive the first year of law school! – but fitness within the context of suitability. This is why law school applications…
Five Qualities Law Schools Want to See
As you write your personal statement, keep in mind some of the qualities that impress law school admissions committees so you can ensure that your essays convey these qualities. Use evidence to illustrate them, and emphasize them in your personal statement by describing specific actions and offering examples. The following are five key traits of…
When to Submit Your Law School Application: Is Timing Really Everything?
Most law schools offer what is called “rolling admissions.” The application cycle begins or “opens” in early fall, likely September 1, and remains open until early spring, usually sometime in March or April. Applicants can submit their application anytime during this period, and schools email decisions on a “rolling basis.” Thus, if you apply in…
Which Extracurricular Activities Get You Into Law School?
If only there were a secret formula for getting accepted to law school. You could pick the perfect extracurriculars, and poof! Law school admissions committees would fall in love. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no such secret formula. Committees are seeking academically qualified candidates who can demonstrate that they have a pulse…
Whatever You Do, Do Not Leave the Law School Optional Essay Blank!
Many law schools invite applicants to share more about themselves through an optional essay. For example, the University of Pennsylvania Law School provides the following optional essay prompts: Are these essays truly optional? Technically, yes, they are; it says so right there in the name. However, the only truly optional essay here is the one…