U.S. News released its 2021 ranking of physician assistant programs. These rankings are based on peer assessment surveys completed by deans, other administrators and/or faculty at accredited degree programs or schools. All schools surveyed were sent an identical number of surveys. Survey responses were on a scale of 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding). There was…
U.S. News Releases 2021 Ranking of Best Engineering Schools
Let’s take a look at this year’s U.S. News best engineering schools. These rankings are based on expert opinions about the quality of each program, as well as statistical indicators used to reflect the quality of a program’s faculty, research, and students. The reputation surveys were sent to academics and professionals in fall 2019 and…
U.S. News Rankings: Everything I Ever Wanted to Know (But was Afraid to Ask) [Episode 265]
U.S. News Answers All Your Rankings Questions [Summary] Normally, when U.S.-based applicants talk about “the top programs,” especially when they refer to the top X, as in the top 10 or the top 20, they are referring to U.S. News Rankings, the granddaddy of educational rankings. Today we’ll hear from U.S. News Executive Editor, Anne…
Harvard Accepts Fewest Applicants of All Ivies
According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, Harvard University admitted just 4.6% of its applicants – 1,962 students for the entering class of fall 2018. This is down from 5.2% of applicants last year. Ivy League applicants were recently notified about their admission status. Seven of the eight schools making up the Ivy League…
The Economist 2017 Full-Time MBA Rankings
The Economist has released its annual international ranking of full-time MBA programs based on data collected during spring 2017. Two surveys were used: 1) The first was completed by schools with eligible programs which covered quantitative subjects and accounted for 80% of the ranking. 2) Current MBA students and a school’s most recent graduating MBA…
U.S. News & World Report Announces 2018 Best College Rankings
U.S. News’ methodology focuses on academic excellence. The rankings emphasize student outcomes, such as graduation and freshman retention rates, which carry the most weight at 30%. The top National Universities and National Liberal Arts Colleges have much higher graduation and freshman retention rates than other schools. Here are some of their findings: • The average…
The Economist 2016 Full-Time MBA Rankings
The Economist has released its annual international ranking of full-time MBA programs. Data was collected during spring 2016. Two surveys were used: 1) The first was completed by schools with eligible programs which covered quantitative subjects and accounted for 80% of the ranking. 2) Current MBA students and a school’s most recent graduating MBA class…
Med School Selectivity Index Now Up & Running!
Med school applicants can now get a handle on where they’re most competitive by checking out our new Selectivity Index™ for med school. By comparing different criteria such as GPA, MCAT scores, and acceptance rates, you’ll get a clear idea of which schools are best for you and at which schools you have the best…
GMAC Releases Tool That Organizes, Compares & Explains Major Rankings
Rankings have always been a mixed blessing – they provide so much valuable information, but if you don’t know how to analyze or use that data properly, then best case scenario, they become worthless, and worst case scenario, they become harmful. GMAC has just released a new tool, User’s Guide to Full-Time MBA Rankings, that…
FT’s Top MBA Programs for Entrepreneurship
This year the Financial Times published a ranking that is a spin-off from their 2016 global MBA ranking and features the top 25 MBA programs for entrepreneurship (last year they published only the top 10). The rankings: 1. Stanford GSB 2. Babson Olin 3. UVA Darden 4. Dartmouth Tuck 5. UCLA Anderson 6. UC Berkeley…
U.S. News’ 2017 Best Law Schools
Applying to law school? How do your target schools measure up? Let’s see how U.S. News ranks the country’s best law schools. Top 10 Best Law Schools: Notes on Methodology: • 196 accredited law schools were surveys and ranked based on a weighted average of the following 12 measures. • Indicators include: quality assessment (weighted by 0.40…
MedHounD Hunts The Right Med School for You [Episode 143]
On this week’s show, we shine a spotlight on a great resource for premed students – both students deciding where to apply, and those students in the happy position of deciding among multiple med school acceptances. MedhounD [0:47] A site that gives you tons of data on medical school placement i.e. results — where graduates…