Find out how you can benefit from Stride Funding [Show Summary] Tess Michaels shares what’s new at Stride Funding, the innovative educational financing company she founded, and reflects on the impact that her Harvard Business School MBA has had on her impressive success today. Interview with Tess Michaels, Founder and CEO of Stride Funding [Show…
Applying to the Stanford Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program: Everything You Need to Know [2022 – 2023]
Everything you need to know about the Stanford Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program Overview: What is the KHS Program? Who is eligible to apply? Unique application deadlines and procedures KHS Acceptance Rate Application elements: Resume Recommendation letters Institutional letter of endorsement Short answer questions Essay question Video statement What is the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program? The Stanford Knight–Hennessy…
Empowering International Students with the Financing for Grad Ed [Episode 475]
How can an international student pay for grad school in the U.S. or Canadian graduate education? [Show Summary] MPOWER Financing has changed the graduate education financing industry by offering international students loans with no collateral or co-signer requirement. Sasha Ramani, the Associate Director of Corporate Strategy explains how they do this responsibly and shares his…
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Application Essay Tips
Paul Soros was often overshadowed by his younger brother, financial wizard George Soros, but he was a successful businessman and multi-millionaire in his own right. In contrast to George Soros’s success in the financial industry, Paul Soros made his mark on the world by innovating in the shipping industry, filing patents, and winning several engineering…
Tuition-Free Medical School: Everything You Need to Know in 2022
The financial realities of a top-notch medical education are definitely having undesirable consequences for society and young physicians. And some of those consequences are directly opposed to the stated goals of most medical schools. What are the realities? The cost of a medical school education keeps rising. Today, four years of med school can easily…
Bloomberg Makes $100 Million Donation to Black Medical Schools
According to the New York Times, Bloomberg Philanthropies’ The Greenwood Initiative will donate $100 million over the next four years to four historically Black medical schools, with the goal of improving the health and wealth of Black communities which were hit especially hard by the coronavirus crisis. Approximately 800 medical students from Charles R. Drew…
Stanford Gift Helps Eliminate Med School Debt
A $55 million contribution to the Stanford University School of Medicine made by John Arrillaga, a leading Bay Area businessman, philanthropist, and Stanford University alumnus, will help eliminate medical school debt for incoming students qualifying for financial aid. Arrillaga was the recipient of financial aid himself as a student-athlete at Stanford in the late 1950s….
How Much Does it Cost to Apply to Medical School?
The cost of attending med school is well over $100,000 (yikes!), and on top of that, you’ll need to pay to apply to med school. Medical school application cost breakdown Let’s look at how much the different application components cost: MCAT costs The MCAT registration fee is $320. This includes the cost of the exam…
How to Get Accepted to Geisinger Medical and Graduate Debt Free [Episode 343]
Interview with Dr. Michelle Schmude, Associate Dean of Admissions at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine [Show Summary] Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine is focused on admitting students who are passionate about community service, as well as allowing as many students as possible to graduate from medical school debt free. Dr. Michelle Schmude, Associate Dean of…
Entrepreneurship at HBS: How Stride will Help You Fund Your Future [Episode 341]
Learn about HBS 2+2 from Tess Michaels, entrepreneur and HBS 2+2 student [Show Summary] Stride Funding is an innovative start-up that is revolutionizing student financing with income share arrangements instead of traditional student loans. Today Linda talks to Tess Michaels, founder of Stride Funding, and second-year student at Harvard Business School who joined the class…
Cornell Weill Eliminates Debt for Qualified Med Students
According to the Cornell Chronicle, Cornell Medical’s new scholarship program will allow qualified students to complete their medical education debt-free. Thanks to donations totaling $160 million, Weill Cornell Medicine has been able to expand its financial aid program. What these aid packages cover Beginning with the 2019-20 academic year, scholarships will provide debt-free educations to…
How to Leverage an HBS Education: The Story of LeverEdge [Episode 313]
How to leverage an HBS education: The story of LeverEdge [Show Summary] Do you want to save money on your student loans? Interested in earning an MBA with entrepreneurship as your goal? Considering Harvard Business School as the place to earn that degree? Pull up a chair, or at least plug in your ear buds….