Thanks for joining me for the 411th episode of Admissions Straight Talk. I am taking a week off for family time this week. As a result I decided to air an encore of our most popular podcast so far in 2021. It actually is a solo podcast that I did for our 400th episode back…
Application Trends to Watch in 2021, and a Look Back at 2020 [Episode 400]
Can the lessons of 2020 help us forge a better 2021? [Show summary] For Admissions Straight Talk’s 400th episode, Linda Abraham reflects on a turbulent year and identifies the most important trends in higher ed admissions to watch in 2021. Applying to graduate school: A journey of self-improvement [Show notes] We’ve reached Episode 400! I…
How to Address COVID-19 and the Events of 2020 in Your Application [Episode 387]
Wondering how to write about the tumultuous events of 2020 in your application essays? [Show summary] Accepted Founder Linda Abraham offers a framework for discussing COVID-19, the events of 2020, and their impact on your life in your undergraduate or graduate program applications. Your application should include information about your experience of and response to…
Recovery Expected in 2021 Hiring of MBA and Business Master’s Graduates
GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) has published the results of their latest annual survey of corporate recruiters. The 2020 survey concentrated on the impact of COVID-19 for business master’s and MBA grads by comparing data from two waves. Survey responses were collected from 712 corporate recruiters in Wave I (February 17–March 17, 2020) and 232…
Considering Graduate School? First, Figure Out Your Ideal Career Path.
The coronavirus pandemic has created a tough job landscape, but it has also created an opportunity for career “rethinking” as well. Many people are considering pivots and turning towards skill development and learning opportunities like graduate school. But how do you decide what’s next? How do you think about what you want, and also, how…
UPDATES: How Does Corona Continue to Impact Testing? [GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, ACT, SAT, TOEFL, EA]
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect schools and businesses worldwide. The health and safety of testing candidates and staff remain priorities as testing organizations continue to offer online testing while finding ways to safely reopen testing centers. Here is the most up-to-date information on admission tests and their response to coronavirus. GRE ETS is offering…
ETS Announces GRE General Test at Home Option
Due to the sweeping effects of the coronavirus, ETS will be temporarily offering an option to take the GRE General Test at home. This option will be available in selected countries and is for students who, due to public health concerns, cannot take the GRE General Test at a test center. Who will be able…