Applicants to graduate school quickly become familiar with the request to provide a statement of purpose (SOP). The SOP for graduate schools, and especially for STEM programs, usually requests information on the applicant’s motivation and preparation for the graduate program. The SOP question can vary from school to school, but essentially, you’ll be asked to…
How to Write Your Master’s in Engineering Statement of Purpose
Top engineering graduate programs expect applicants to have a high GPA, and some schools also expect an impressive GRE score, though in recent years, many schools have made GRE scores optional. Even if you earned superior grades in college, you will be competing against applicants who are equally qualified. Your statement of purpose (SOP) is what will…
I Got Laid Off! Should I Apply to Graduate School?
If you lost your job because of layoffs in your field – or any other reason – it could actually be a great opportunity to take stock of your career. In this post, we discuss three different unemployment scenarios and offer recommendations as to what you could do next. 1. You loved your work. Lucky…
Application Advice from Accepted Data Science Clients
As you are aware, whenever you are active on the Internet – whether posting on social media, buying something online, completing a healthcare profile, and so on – your information is being collected into big datasets. The field of data science has expanded such that it has an impact on healthcare, government, agriculture, risk and…
Selecting the Right PhD Program
If you are thinking about applying to a PhD program, then you are probably already familiar with the research process, either because you conducted research with professors as an undergraduate, or you earned (or are earning) a master’s degree with a thesis requirement. If you have little or no research experience, then you will position…
Seeking a Graduate Degree in Artificial Intelligence?
Did you easily make your connection when you last traveled by plane? If so, artificial intelligence (AI) might have helped ensure that you did. Was cancer detected in a family member at such an early stage that their complete recovery was guaranteed? AI could have played a factor in that fortunate outcome as well. It…
Applying to Electrical Engineering Programs: Graduate School Admissions Overview
A master’s in electrical engineering is a versatile degree that can open up diverse career opportunities, including the following: Who is the ideal candidate for an electrical engineering master’s degree? The programs seek applicants with a strong background in engineering, math, and physics. If you are coming from another discipline, consider taking some engineering and…
How to Get Accepted to Graduate Engineering Programs
With years of experience preparing engineers for their careers – and as an Accepted admissions consultant since 2015 – I’ve seen what works and doesn’t work when applying to master’s and PhD programs in engineering. There are many academic departments within the broad engineering field, but no matter your choice, you will benefit from the…
Ace Your Summer Business Internship: Tips for College Students
In my opinion, there is no better way to test out your career interests than by working in your intended field for a few months via an internship. An internship is also the most effective way for a company to assess your skills in action and determine your leadership potential. If you are serious about…
Graduate School Options for STEM Candidates
Do you want to If you answered yes to any of these questions, this might be the perfect time for you to apply to graduate school. According to Crunchbase news, in 2022 and 2023, roughly 284,000 employees were let go from technology companies. Yet technology workers are still very much in demand. Companies are seeking…
How to Choose the Right Graduate School
Many people who are thinking about advancing their skills or changing their career direction via a graduate degree believe they must attend a “prestigious” grad school – one that is ranked highly in the surveys conducted by U.S. News & World Report, Bloomberg Businessweek, and other media outlets. These candidates apply to the schools in…
How to Prepare for Your PhD Interview
Although not all PhD programs require interviews, most do, and you will usually interview with the faculty member who will be supervising your research. If you’re invited to a PhD interview, you want to take full advantage of the opportunity you’ve been given by preparing effectively. In this post, we’ll focus on some of the…
Advice from Successful STEM Applicants
I was thinking about how best to advise my clients who are applying to STEM graduate programs. Since I have had many clients who gained admission to their target programs, I decided to send them some questions about their experience. I’ve compiled most of their responses into the following summary. If you were starting the…
How Does a New College Grad Find a First Job?
Searching for that first job after graduating college is hard work. In general, college grads tend to fall into two broad categories. One is the group that knows exactly what they are after, often heading toward a professional track such as engineering, accounting, law, medicine, or something else requiring a postgraduate degree or other training…
Master’s in Engineering Admissions: Nine Things To Do to Get Accepted
With years of experience preparing engineers for their careers – and as an Accepted admissions consultant since 2015 – I’ve seen what works and doesn’t work when one is applying to master’s and PhD programs in engineering. Whether you’re applying in software engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, civil engineering, systems, mechanical engineering, or biomedical engineering, you…
Seeking Employment with Your New PhD
Congratulations! You’ve worked hard and are now the proud holder of a PhD. Now what? In today’s job market, PhDs are hired not only as professors, but also as: Researchers in STEM fields, plus many other academic and non-academic areas Directors of nonprofits or government agencies A wide array of positions within business and consulting…
Applying to Mechanical Engineering Programs: Graduate School Admissions Overview
Mechanical Engineering has been labeled as the liberal arts of engineering because it is such a broad field that can result in a wealth of career paths. A few examples of areas entered by program graduates include product design, or structural engineering, construction management, clean energy, aerospace, robotics, and machine learning. Do you want to…
Applying to Computer Science Programs: Graduate School Admissions Overview
Are you are thinking about applying to computer science master’s degree programs and wondering which schools are the best fit for you? Are you wondering whether you meet the criteria to be admitted? What are computer science programs looking for? First, let’s look at what skills top schools are seeking in the applicants they admit…
Connections Count. And You Can Create Them.
I worked with a client, who due to medical reasons, only earned a 2.2 GPA in a social science degree program. After graduating, he decided that the right career path for him was computer science so that he could realize his dream of becoming a tech entrepreneur. He had an ideal school in mind and…
Requesting Letters of Recommendation for Graduate Engineering Programs
As an applicant, you understand how important your GPA and GRE scores are to the Admissions Committee. You know you must write an essay that tells your story and makes an impact on the reader, as well as shows how you are a good match with the program. Another critical component of your application are…