Linda Abraham, Accepted’s founder and CEO, is usually the one asking the questions and eliciting other’s views and insights as host of Accepted’s Admissions Straight Talk podcast. However, when invited by Al Dea to be a guest on his new podcast, MBASchooled, the tables were turned. Linda was the one answering Al’s excellent questions. Since the interview took place shortly after “social distancing” became part of our everyday vocabularies, COVID-19 and its impact on MBA admissions and business school life took up much of the podcast.
Linda has been an MBA admissions consultant since 1994. She’s seen booms and busts, 9/11, The Great Recession, and the Great Economic Expansion that just ended. She gives her perspective on the unprecedented events we are living through. If you want to hear what this MBA admissions veteran sees for business schools, MBAs, and MBA applicants, tune in to “How MBA Applicants Can Respond to COVID-19.”
For the show notes and to learn more about Al Dea’s podcast, MBASchooled, please click here.
Many applicants find that now, more than ever, they have questions about navigating the admissions maze – our advisors are standing by ready to provide you with answers, bringing you closer to acceptance at your top choice MBA program. Explore our MBA Admissions Consulting & Editing Services for more information.