How can you turn your medical school dreams into reality? By following the 5-step framework that Linda Abraham, CEO and founder of Accepted, lays out in this quick video. Watch, and learn.
Full video transcript:
You’re going to make a fantastic physician. You know it. Your family knows it. And now you need to convince the medical schools to accept you. That’s the goal now, and the obstacle in the path to your dream career.
Let me show you the how to get to where you want to go.
You, like all medical school applicants, face the 3 C’s of the medical school application process:
1. Competition
2. Complexity
3. All-consuming
As a result you may be experiencing stress, fearing failure, and feeling plain old overwhelmed.
You don’t want the application hoops – and there are several – to prevent you from becoming the dedicated, capable doctor you know you can be.
I get it. I’m Linda Abraham, the founder and president of Accepted, and we’ve been guiding clients to medical school acceptance for over 20 years.
Our clients tell us that applying to medical school is a grueling process, much more difficult than the undergraduate application process. And they also tell us that we help them get in.
As one formerly anxious, nervous client wrote when it was all over:
“I don’t think I would be at the same place today without your help. Out of 20 secondaries, I received 18 interviews, I went to 11, accepted to 5, and waitlisted to 4.“
At the heart of the work that we do with our clients is a 5-step framework that I’m going to share with you now. These five steps or elements are part of all successful medical school applications and need to be in yours. Your application needs to show that you:
1. Can do the work
2. Have a realistic view of clinical medicine
3. Share the individual school’s mission and values (more the job of the secondaries and IV)
4. Will contribute to your community both in school and beyond
5. Have the personality traits med schools value (compassion, communications, teamwork, leadership)
I just gave you an overview of the 5 critical steps you must master to get into medical school – allopathic or osteopathic. I go into more depth in the webinar, The 5-Part Framework for a Successful Medical School Application, and you are invited to view the webinar now. It’s free to view.
You need the additional information and depth provided by the webinar, so don’t delay. Watch it to reduce the risk of rejection and reapplication and increase the likelihood of acceptance to medical school.
And let’s face it – this isn’t really just about overcoming those 3 C’s that I mentioned at the beginning or even about getting accepted to medical school. It’s all about pursuing the career of your dreams and become the caring, compassionate, and skilled physician you know you can be.
Work one-on-one with an experienced medical school admissions pro and get accepted to the medical school that will help you achieve your career goals. View Accepted’s catalog of Medical School Admissions Services for more information.
For 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to their dream healthcare programs. Our outstanding team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, admissions committee members, pre-health advisors, postbac program directors, and doctors. Our staff has guided applicants to acceptance at allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medical schools, residencies and fellowships, dental school, veterinarian school, and physician assistant programs at top schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Penn, UCSF, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, and many more. Want an admissions expert to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!
Related Resources:
• Get Accepted to Medical School in 2019, a free webinar
• Assess Your Qualifications for Medical School
• What do the Medical School Admissions Teams Say About Admissions?