When premed students contact us about guiding them through the medical school application process, many of their questions are related to timing. “When should I …?” is a frequent question starter. Although no single answer applies to everyone, here are the guidelines we use when advising our medical school clients. When should I apply to…
Early Decision for Medical School: Does It Make Sense For You?
Do you have a dream school, the one place you’ve always wanted to study medicine, and no other school will do? Do you have a compelling reason for attending this one particular program? Maybe your spouse’s job requires them to be in this location, or your only living family member is in the area. Or…
The AMCAS Primary “Deadline”
In just a few days, many of you will want to submit your medical school primary application. You’ve probably heard that you have to click “send” on the first day possible – which this year is May 28, 2024 – if you want your best shot. But just how true is that? The AMCAS primary…
3 Tips for Applying to Early Admissions Programs for Medical School
If you are absolutely certain that you want to pursue a medical education, applying to early admissions programs (EAPs) can give you the freedom to pursue any major. The Icahn School of Medicine’s FlexMed Program accepts students in the second semester of their sophomore year from all majors—the more diverse, the better. Flexmed’s only requirements…
When Should I Plan to Apply to Grad School? NOW!!!
Where we’re at: Right now, if I walk down the street almost anywhere in the United States, I will see “Help Wanted” signs in the windows, on Amazon trucks, and almost everywhere. The United States is experiencing a labour shortage and one of the tightest labour markets since records were kept. As a result of…
Who Gets Accepted to Medical School?
So you want to become a doctor. You have definitely had an aunt at a family dinner tell you, “Medical school? It is way too competitive; try something easier!” Your aunt is right. Getting into medical school is notoriously difficult. In the 2020-2021 application cycle, there were 53,030 people who applied to medical school, but…
How Will Covid-19 Impact Your Admissions Journey? 5 Med School Admissions Experts Speak
First, the Accepted team and I want to extend our best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery to those who are sick or who have ill family members. We also know that some of you or your families are experiencing financial difficulties because of the pandemic and lock-down. Again, our thoughts and prayers are with…
Encore: Writing for Medical School: Personal Statements, Activities, and Secondaries [Episode 327]
I am taking a week off for family time this week. As a result I decided to air an encore of our most popular med podcast so far in 2019, and it is: Writing for Med School, which I presented at the end of January. It’s an excellent time for this podcast. Many of you…
Medical School Admissions: Why Applying in June is Critical
When you have spent years preparing to apply to medical school, the last thing you want to do is jeopardize your chances of acceptance. One way to reduce your chances of getting admitted is to apply late. 3 reasons applying late can hurt you Rolling admissions is based on the concept of first come, first…
Writing for Medical School: Personal Statements, Activities, and Secondaries [Episode 296]
Accepted Founder Linda Abraham Talks Med School Admissions [Show Summary] Are you planning to apply to medical school this year? Worried about the personal statement, most meaningful experiences, activity descriptions, and secondary essays? They can be challenging! Let’s learn about the who, what, when, where, and why of impressive, engaging writing that will get you…
Apply at Your Best: Advice from a Med School Admissions Expert [Episode 261]
Summary Lolita Wood-Hill has been working in the field of pre-med advising for over 25 years, so it’s safe to say she knows the ins and outs of the medical school application process better than most. In this podcast, Lolita gives advice on how to make yourself the most enticing applicant to medical school possible,…
Why Should I Apply to Graduate School Now?
When is the best time to apply to graduate school? This is going to depend on a number of very individual factors – your goals, your experience, your qualifications, and others. Are you ready to take on the application process? Are you ready to go back to school? Can your work-life balance fit school into…