Your GMAT score and undergraduate GPA are crucial components of your application when applying to an MBA program. These numbers often indicate your academic ability and potential for success in graduate business studies. The introduction of the GMAT Focus Edition, with its new scoring mechanism, presents a fresh perspective for admissions committees as they evaluate…
How to Apply Successfully to Grad School Despite a Low GPA [Episode 458]
What steps can you take to get accepted despite a low GPA? [Show Summary] Linda Abraham outlines five steps for mitigating the impact of a low GPA so that you can move forward with a successful graduate school application. Linda Abraham, Founder and CEO of Accepted shares her insights into overcoming low stats [Show Notes]…
Don’t Let Low Stats Keep You from Your Dream MBA Program
If you’re worried about low stats keeping you from being a serious contender at your target MBA program, don’t worry. We are here to help! Our recent masterclass, Get Accepted to Top MBA Programs with Low Stats, was jam-packed with must-have insider information about how to compensate for low stats and position your application to…
So, You’re Applying to Business School with a Low GPA or GMAT Score?
You want to apply to business school, but you may be holding back because you’re worried about your low numbers–an unimpressive GPA or GMAT/GRE score. Don’t worry – this is NOT the end of the world! This post will define what “low” really means, help you put your scores into context, and show you how…
Watch The Impact of Your GMAT & GRE Now!
Our recent webinar, The Impact of Your GMAT & GRE: A Critical Piece in Your MBA Application, was a deep dive into the world of MBA admissions testing. If you weren’t able to join us or you missed out on any part of the session, it’s now available for free on-demand viewing!
What GMAT Score Do I Need to Get Accepted to Top MBA Programs?
Do you need a perfect score on your GMAT to gain acceptance to a top-tier business school? No. But you definitely need your score to be high enough so that your application is seriously considered and so that the rest of your application isn’t fighting an uphill battle to overcome a subpar GMAT score. So,…
How Does Your GMAT Score Fit into the Holistic MBA Application Puzzle?
There’s a lot of talk about the holistic approach admission directors take to evaluate applications. How much weight is really put on different aspects of the application during evaluation? If the approach is so holistic, then why do so many applicants with low GMAT scores get rejected compared to applicants with high GMAT scores? Here’s…
Should You Retake the GMAT?
There’s no yes or no answer here, but I will give you some points to consider that will help make your decision easier. The case for retaking the GMAT Retake the GMAT if… You have other weaknesses in your profile and you feel a high GMAT score will help you compensate for them. A great…
How MBA Adcoms Evaluate Your GPA
“But my undergrad school was highly competitive…” “But I worked 20 hours a week during college…” “But I was a varsity athlete at a Division I school…” “But even though it took me a couple of years, once I got it together I made dean’s list every semester…” “But my PhD GPA was 3.9…” These…
Applying to Top MBA Programs with a Low GPA
You want to apply to a top MBA program, but that low GPA… what can you do to overcome this blemish and apply successfully to your dream school? Watch the video below for concrete, realistic advice on applying to b-school with a less-than-an-ideal GPA. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT You want a top-notch MBA program, but have…
Are You a Competitive B-School Applicant?
Every year, MBA applicants call us to ask whether their profile (GPA, GMAT, work experience) is competitive at the schools they’re targeting. It’s a question we take seriously and address individually, because there are so many factors that impact competitiveness. Deciding where to apply is crucial, especially if your stats are low: if you target…
Your Past Doesn’t Define You [Episode 209]
Today’s one of those shows where I’m going to be the sole presenter. I actually started preparing this show during the World Series way back in October. Yes, folks, after 108 years of losing, the Chicago Cubs finally won the World Series. At the same time, we were working (and have worked in the past)…