Most business school adcom members will advise that submitting a great application in the second round is far better than submitting a mediocre application in the first round.
But what happens when you didn’t manage to submit in either Round 1 or Round 2? Business school applicants in this category wonder: “When should I apply to business school? Should I apply Round 3 or just wait till next year?”
That was my short answer. For a more in-depth analysis of the Round 3 vs. next year application debate, watch our free where I address the differences between Round 3 and earlier rounds, the pros and cons of applying R3, and help you answer the million-dollar-question of when you should apply to business school.
Fill out the form below to view the webinar:
[hubspot portal=”58291″ id=”27c0d23f-1638-4257-9235-8ab18fa7e770″ type=”form”]Need more personalized advice tailored to your unique situation? Work 1-on-1 with an Accepted advisor who will help you figure out when and how to apply successfully to business school. Check out our MBA Consulting Services here.

Related Resources:
• Navigate the MBA Application Maze, a free guide
• Should You Apply to B-School Round 3 or Next Year?
• Is 10 Days Per Business School Application Enough?