When I was admissions Director there were some things applicants would do that were minor, but that I found to be very annoying. Here are my top 5 “hates” that I’m sure are shared by many adcoms: 1. Asking for information that can easily be found on the school’s website Some applicants would do that…
The Rise of Masters Programs in Data Analytics and Related Fields
As companies and institutions are increasingly able to collect vast amounts of information about their suppliers, processes, and customers, they have sought to recruit professionals who are able to extract, represent, and interpret this “big data,” transforming it into usable patterns that can help them enhance their performance. This newfound ability and need have given…
English Language Skills & Your MBA Admissions Profile
In the previous articles of this series we explored the first four elements of your MBA Profile: your Academic Performance, your GMAT, your work experience, and your extracurricular activities. The topic of the last post of this series is probably the most under-rated in business school admissions, and many times the one that non-native English…
Extracurricular Activities in Your MBA Admissions Profile
While business schools deeply value your academic background, GMAT score, and work experience, they also ascribe significant weight to your extracurricular and community service activities. Why? Because they want to see that you are an individual who is not just focused on work but also has other passions, and that you are well rounded. Whether it is practicing…
Work Experience in Your MBA Admissions Profile
The last two articles explored the importance of the academic portion of your MBA application, including your undergraduate performance as well as your GMAT. This article will focus on the other, equally important, side of the coin: your work experience. Although more schools are now open to considering candidates without post-college experience, most top MBA…
8 Tips to Make the Most of Your B-School Visit
School visits are common during this time of year. Many applicants wait until their applications are submitted and, while classes are still in session, travel to their business schools of choice to either score some brownie points towards their application or to be better informed about the school’s offerings and fit. << READ: What Should You…
Tu Perfil para el MBA: El Manejo del Idioma
En los artículos anteriores abordábamos los primeros 4 elementos de tu perfil del MBA: 1. Tu rendimiento académico; 2. La importancia del GMAT; 3. La importancia de tu experiencia profesional; 4. La importancia de actividades extracurriculares. El quinto elemento es a primera vista el más obvio, pero es tan decisivo para tu admisión como los…
Tu Perfil para el MBA: La Importancia de las Actividades Extracurriculares
En los artículos anteriores explorábamos la importancia que tienen tu rendimiento académico, el GMAT, y tu experiencia profesional para tu aplicación al MBA. En este artículo abordaremos el cuarto elemento importante para tu perfil: las actividades extracurriculares. Con actividades extracurriculares me refiero a cualquier actividad o proyecto (usualmente sin remuneración) fuera de tus horas de…
Tu Perfil para el MBA: La Importancia de tu Experiencia Laboral
En los artículos anteriores explorábamos la importancia de tu desempeño académico para tu solicitud de admisión al MBA, tanto en tu rendimiento en la universidad como en el GMAT. En este artículo abordaremos la otra cara de la moneda de tu solicitud: tu experiencia profesional. Si bien existen programas que admiten estudiantes directo de la…
The Importance of Extracurriculars and Community Service
While business schools deeply value your academic background, work experience, and career progression, they also ascribe significant weight to your extracurricular and community service activities. Why? Because they want to see that you are an individual who is not just focused on work, that you have other passions, and that you will be an incredible…
Tu Perfil para el MBA: La Importancia del GMAT
El GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) es el examen más usado por las escuelas de negocios como requisito básico para admisión, y en base a él pronostican, junto con el rendimiento académico que hayas tenido en la universidad, cómo será tu desempeño en las clases del MBA. Tu puntaje en el GMAT es también usado…
Tu Perfil para el MBA: El Rendimiento Académico
En mi artículo anterior observábamos los cinco elementos que todo aplicante a un programa de MBA debe analizar. En este artículo abordaremos el primero: el rendimiento académico. Tu rendimiento académico en la universidad, desde el primer hasta el último año, es muy importante para cualquier aplicación de maestría, y el MBA no es una excepción….