The thing we hear again and again from our med school experts is that the biggest error applicants make in their secondary essays is failing to answer the question. It sounds easy, right? Just answer the question. But when you’re answering so many essays for so many schools – and you’re feeling anxious and pressed for time – it can get more complicated.
That’s one reason why we’ve created our Ultimate Guide to Secondary Essay Questions from Top Med Schools. Your secondary applications are so important – they’re your chance to show your “fit” with the program. They deserve your full investment and attention!
Drawing on our years of experience coaching applicants like you to success at top med schools, the Ultimate Guide to Secondary Essay Questions provides strategic analysis of each secondary asked by dozens of top med schools around the country. You’ll learn how to understand exactly what each question is asking – and how to approach it effectively.
Secondary essays are a crucial part of the med school application process – don’t make mistakes that could hurt your chances at an interview invitation. Download the guide today!