If you have retaken classes in the past – or expect to need to retake a class in the future – this post will help you understand this element of your profile, in general, for the AMCAS application, and for the AACOMAS application, as needed. 1. All grades earned are calculated into the cumulative GPA….
The Importance of Extracurricular Activities for Medical School Applications
You’ve probably read about the multifaceted requirements of medical school admission. If so, this post is an attempt to, first, demystify them a bit and, second, untangle one of the least understood ones. The price of admission begins with an excellent GPA and MCAT score. Most applicants have both. The definition of “excellent” varies from…
Premed Confidential: The Wisdom of Journaling
In a minute, I’m going to provide some rock-solid advice that, if experience is any guide, you’ll ignore. You’ll ignore it even though, on some level, you suspect it’s sound advice that would boost the odds of your being admitted to medical school, if only you would act on it. So I’m going to begin…