Grad School Admissions

Healthcare Management at Wharton and at Large

Healthcare related opportunities for MBA graduates are on the rise, and the Health Care Management Program is at the cutting…

Cornell Introduces New Joint Program With Israel’s Technion

Cornell Innovation Institute at Cornell Tech and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology are introducing a new joint program: an M.S.…

Admissions Consulting: What about Accepted?

Some of you are already working with an Accepted admissions consultant and benefiting from the experience and insight your adviser…

Kisses of Death for Your Grad School Application

Guest post by Dr. Drew Appleby, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis and Dr. Karen Appleby, Idaho State University. Dr. Appleby and…

Plan B for PhD Applicants

There’s no getting around it: rejection letters are discouraging. Especially when you’ve invested as much time and energy in something…

Admissions Straight Talk: Interview with Sheryle Dirks

For this week’s episode of Accepted Admissions Straight Talk, Accepted’s biweekly podcast, we interviewed Sheryle Dirks, Associate Dean for Career…

Optional Essays: When and How to Write Them

In this short video, Linda Abraham explores the two kinds of optional essays, who should write them, and what should…

Admissions Resume: What to Include

Recently in “MBA Admissions:The May-October Romance,” I suggested that applicants for Fall 2011 entry begin assembling materials for their applications…

Grad Application Preseason 4: Your Skills

As I’ve been discussing, part of the pre-application thought process involves honest analysis of your achievements and abilities, along with…

Reflecting Back on 1970s Women’s Colleges

On the importance of attending a women’s college, 40 years ago, by an alumna: “At a certain age, it’s appropriate…

Reject Rejection!

The holidays are over, and so is the “honeymoon” for many grad school hopefuls. Fortunately, I'm hearing good news from…

Grad Admissions: Helicopter Parents

The New York Times published an article this week "Letting Your Grad Student Go " on the phenomenon of helicopter…

What Does It Mean to Write from the “Inside Out”?

After devoting many days and countless revisions to his 250-word Stanford GSB Reliance Fellowship essay, the blogger at MBAdreamz concludes:…

What is an Accomplishment?

Accomplishments constitute the bread and butter of personal statements and application essays. Nothing too exciting in that statement. However, a…

Personal Statement Tip: Dealing with Hardship

A friend of mine was recently going through a hard time. Things were going wrong, seriously wrong in her life.…